Holy shit. I think Jamie is gonna kill Circe for going all Mad King Arys. He is a younger brother, as prophesied.
Holy shit. I think Jamie is gonna kill Circe for going all Mad King Arys. He is a younger brother, as prophesied.
A 9 yo Larry thought this show was the shit.
He's got everybody saying "That's my Buuuush."
I find it hilarious. I am in general indifferent to wangs, but D&D have used wand exposure so effectively this season. And whats good for the goose is good for the banger.
Ya see, Rudy. When you say the bleezn blop, Theo, you can't say the thing with the people, ya see.
So then, did you clear your user name with Randy Savage? Because you are clearly tarnishing his works with your posts.
Bullshit. Think about what you just said. So an artist can now tell us where and when to listen to their music or read their book? We have to check with an artist now when we sing along? Can we no longer use it for teaching? Can the artist ban critics they don't like from listening to it? Or using it for the…
So you claim. I disagree, and question your basis for determining that the analogy doesn't hold. Putting your bold Trumpian declarations aside, your statement smacks of cognitive blinders.
I do not agree that he "straight up lift[ed] a verse", but even if he had, have you ever seen The Untouchables and Battleship Potemkin?
Sure he is well within his rights. The question I am asking is"Are these rights a good thing when applied in this way"?
I am not really comfortable with what is happening in music in regards to sampling and homages. Every other art form, commercial or not, relies on standing on the shoulders of the giants that came before. The whole "Blurred Lines" case was a real turning point down a dark path.
So good that Firestorm leveled up and got his transmutation power. Now he is as powerful as all the other A-listers. Hopefully this doesn't mean he can no longer join. Also Jax looks super cool in that uniform and the white eyes.
Did Kendra's farting around get Sgt. Fury killed?
I have said it before, but season 3 needs to be the Mirror Master getting the Rogues together.
I guess it is marginally better that they Fridged a man rather than a woman, but crappy cliches are still crappy cliches, even when one cliche is less sexist. I guess what I am saying is BOOO to 90s!Flash's death.
Some are satin some are steel
Some are silk and some are leather
They're the faces of the stranger
But we love to try them on
Yes - That too….
*Danaerys the Refried*
Immunity to fire is one thing, but it does not follow that she has immunity to falling beams.
Hmmmm.. I like that explanation.