Kawaii as Fuck

But titties are the greatest thing ever.

And it's about fucking time.

I thought Stonewall Jackson was a semi-respected figure? I know there was a movie from 2003 where he was portrayed by Stephen Lang.

Nobody cares about the whole Hunger Games ripoff genre anymore, so that movie's probably going to flop, shame to think someone got badly injured for it.

I bet he blames Xenu.

Wow, you're a total idiot.

Has anyone else been feeling these strange adrenaline surges lately? It feels like this is the beginning of a war.

FUCK this guy.

America is well and truly fucked.

I remember that interview, I didn't know it was taken down.

Wow, that's really terrible.

Actually I think MGS2 is a lot of fun, in fact I think it's a shame how the gameplay gets so overshadowed by the story.

And to be clear, the gameplay in V is AMAZING, some of the best stealth action ever in fact.

Did you play the part where the Colonel AI goes haywire and starts spouting random nonsense? Because that's what I've been quoting.

I love MGS2 completely, there's literally no other game like it.

Play Metal Gear Solid 2 and you'll get the references, though you'll still be confused.

Drat, how did I forget about that one?

You should play MGS3.

There are some interesting elements to the story but at the end of the day the thing is literally unfinished and as a whole doesn't really add anything meaningful to the series overall storyline, it feels more like a spinoff than a main entry.

Same here, the entire storylines in both games feel like they add a whole lot of nothing to the overall backstory.