Kawaii as Fuck

Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray, north pacific, south pacific, Marylin Monroe!

Dare to dream…

I'm going to give the Kinja era, aka the After MASH of the AV Club a try and I would recommend most people should give it the old college try.

This being the only time Trump has made anyone feel ecstasy.

I liked the original form of creepypasta, I HATE the "amateur horror writing" stuff.

When I was a *kid* as in 10 and below, the naughtiest thing I would do is steal my mom's catalogs to look at the underwear section.

Don't blame me, blame society!

Heavenly Creatures 2: The Internet!

Art is how imperfect human beings in an imperfect world try to create something that is perfect, that depicts a perfect world or at least helps us to deal with living in an imperfect world.

I've been playing the Gears of War series recently and I love his work as Marcus Fenix, it's one of the most grizzled "badass" voices in gaming.

Bring the boys back home!

After thinking about it for a while, I've decided to give this Kinja thing a try, but if I wind up not liking it then it's the end of the road for me.

Sounds about right.



It is, isn't it! Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way, I know it's probably superstition but still….

Damn! DAMN!

I know this is "magical thinking" but is anyone else finding it hard to not think of this eclipse as some sort of…. omen of the end of the world?