
Aware of that. Not sure of the AV Club's censorship standards. But thanks for reading.

A very writable college term paper would be The Recurrence of the Dooshy Sociopathic Joss Surrogate in Joss Whedon's Fiction. Joss did just fine for a while with Sarah Michelle Gellar as his protagonist, but eventually that no longer sufficed. The lying dooshy captain from Firefly, Topher Brink from Dollhouse, Dr.

I'm living in London this spring. Next week's election is still up for grabs, but this much is clear: politics works just fine without standup comedians.

I met a guy at a party who worked on those things. He said he never would have been a part of offering the Ian role to anyone before David Cross. He brought up an interesting point: he said casting Patton Oswalt would have caused serious story problems. A large number of children, he noted, would have certainly

My feeling on this topic has long been, don’t get too hung up on titles, there IS a Black Widow movie, and a lot of people including me consider the Captain America / Black Widow movie to be Marvel’s best, until maybe this week. So it can clearly be done. It’s not like there wouldn’t be any other super characters,

Cold War analogies are all over the original series. I second Craig Steven Tower’s choice from earlier. Balance of Terror, one of the very best episodes, turns on one of the basic realities of the Cold War: you need to make the other side recognize how easily they could be annihilated to keep everyone on their

The ones with the giant heads are always the nastiest. #TeamHarley!!!

I’m sorry. I’ve just been informed that Joss can’t come down hard on whoever made that movie. It turns out Joss rage-quit Twitter after hordes of women ripped him for his lame, backwards portrayal of female characters.

There was a crappy movie recently where they made Scarlett Johansson go out with a 47-year-old guy like that was normal, then her superhero character cried because she couldn’t have children. I forget the title. But Joss Whedon should come down hard on whoever made it!

I’d be a bit more charitable. Once, on the occasion of SNL’s 40th, Dan Aykroyd allowed himself to do the Bass-O-Matic (shockingly well for a guy his age, I thought). But you didn’t see Dan Aykroyd do that routine for 40 years. And you’ll never see him do it again.

Sorry, pinups and comedy work by different rules. Also, notice that Albert Brooks himself hasn't repeated the bit in decades. It's exactly equivalent to putting on the funny hat and bell bottoms and announcing that you are a wild and crazy guy. You are immediately a lame-o.

No serious comedian or comedy writer would have any interest in doing another person’s bit. Ask Albert Brooks to do John Cleese’s silly walks for you and he won’t do it. Saying “Esquire told me it was okay” doesn’t work. It’s inherently lame that he wanted to do it in any event.

Cool, I get to talk about Stevie Nicks some more, my new favorite thing. Honestly, I'm not a Lindsay Buckingham hater. I just look at that Big Love video and think, man, did that guy make a mistake thinking it was going to be a good career move for him to drive Stevie Nicks into pursuing a solo career.

Thank you for listening.  I assumed I was posting for my own amusement.

Also, Stop Dragging My Heart Around is a little messy, but I always stop and listen when I find it on the radio.  However, I don't believe Tom Petty ever got dumped by Stevie Nicks, he was just fantasizing about getting dumped by Stevie Nicks.

More Stevie Nicks trivia: Don't Come Around Here No More, written by Tom Petty and Joe Walsh, is about Joe Walsh's experience getting dumped by Stevie Nicks.  It's a better song once you know that.  They kind of made the song Stevie Nicks-y, with the female backup voice, and it seems Tom's doing a little Stevie yowl

Also, I'd just like to see her Game of Thrones poetry, I think her lyrics are good.

Not generally slamming the members of Fleetwood Mac, honestly.  But watch Behind the Music, Stevie came in for some serious bullying from people like Lindsay Buckingham, and when was the last time you heard a Lindsay Buckingham song on the radio?  I'm sure Christine McVie is a lovely person.

Stevie Nicks' songs still get played, and she put up with a lot of obnoxious behavior from the lesser talents in her band.  We all get to choose our own metaphor.  If Stevie wants to write about Game of Thrones, let her.