
William Hughes looks like a child rapist but he's making fun of other people's appearance lol

Hydra doesn’t think we’re smart enough to know when we’re being fed alternative facts

Many "moderate" Islamist and Jihadi groups were vetted and armed.

That was the only reason.

Didn't intervene lol. WTF so you think all those weapons gt in jihadi hands. So called moderates turned out to not be moderate.

WTF are you talking about, retard? When the fuck did I accuse her of non intervention? She's never been a non interventionist always a hawk.

Nice of you to amdit saving civilians wasn't the reason. If it was the rebels would have been bombed for mass lynchings of black Africans.

The West bullied the lesser members into going along with the imperialism and lied to russia and China about their true intentions to stop them using their veto.

Yeah, that's exactly right, I'd be accusing of not being pro war if you had my position?????????

So does the West if things they don't like such as Palestine, Saudi Arabia etc…

I didn't say they were forced they only stayed out, the rest of the UN does as the big Western 3 say so.

Egocentric westerner is a term applied to war mongers like you who beleive in the exceptionalism of white Westerners to save people of colour with bombs.

America, France and Britain use their might to force a UN council reslution in which they only need Russia and China back off. If only Gaddafi had not tried to move away from the dollar he'd still be alive. But keep believing in wars for peace.

In what part did I defend it?

They never offered proof they just said it and expect idiots like you to believe it.

Talking about eliminting rebels is different from "genocide" but like a war mognering liberal you're full fo shit.

If they're messing with the election (allededly, please provide solid proof) it is in response to NATO imperialism building closer and closer to their borders.

The war propaganda really works on liberals. Too bad Bush isn't in charge you'd protesting them. Where is proof of this supposed slaughter of Benghazi because even politicians in Britain are admitting there wouldn't have been a slaughter.

"because the US intervened in the civil war to protect civilians" lol you actually believe that imperialist nonsense?

"Because Russia is actively interfering in the US election to support the Republican Party." No, they're messing with you since you Americunts keep building bases closer and closer to their border.