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    Eh or it's every teacher's line for a kid who isn't engaged in class. "Is there something going on?"

    I died when the co-worker said "Ugh, are we really doing this?" YES THIS REACTION to every "activity" in any meeting ever.

    He's hot except for those teeth. Ahhh
    No to Lawrence and Issa endgame. She deserves better.

    If anyone would like Vinyl it would've been me - perfect subject matter for a 70s music lover. But I found the main flaw to be I didn't like ANY of the characters. None of them were redeeming after a few episodes. Not having someone to roof for feels empty.
    Already with Snowfall I am rooting for Franklin, so there's

    Aleida saw men as people to depend on, a way out. That's why she told Daya to hit on her good-looking, nice friend.

    Because of the type of smoothie he drank? I completely disagree. They seemed to be devoted to me, and have plenty in common (and good conversations) - he was living in a little apartment and went to the military after high school, not college. I was disappointed because it seemed so utterly sudden and out of his

    What did the two meth heads steal from the coffee stand? I was confused on that.

    A giraffe, but kinda hot

    Yeah, but I got flashbacks to her stalking and "persecuting" Piper as well before Piper flipped out. They could've done worse to her considering she was responsible for a missing finger and broken nose.

    Right? So many things about this season don't ring true. I don't care if it was an "election year" for the governor - SWAT teams would have invaded the prison that first night in my opinion.

    Yep. And how awful that actress has to be in the beat up puffy eye makeup for the entire. season. filming. Ugh.

    I really, really want a resolution to the Bennett thing. I have no idea why he was written off the show, but it seemed completely out of character for him to run like that. A little ghetto apartment spooked him from his KID and his LOVE (who he risked his job for)?? Come on.
    I was hoping that Daya or Gloria was in

    Really? I don't think she was bad at all. Reminded me of many teenagers I know. Insecure and into themselves.

    Doesn't means she wouldn't get out of the "new baby fog" and be able to appreciate everything Marnie did for her.

    Some of them were working toward advanced degrees. It happens at every level - hire and support work for another degree. Especially if they are well-known and published like Hannah (a few successful books and probably viral articles).

    Ability to RENT a big gorgeous house? In rural areas, you can rent a 1-story house like that for $1500 a month. That and "wow, benefits!" are hardly unbelievable, especially for a… fictional TV show?
    And no, they were full profs, not TAs. Some of them working toward advanced degrees while they taught. Hannah was

    And yet at the university I went to, much larger than the one depicted in this show, had several teachers without PhDs..

    She had an undergrad degree, she's popular and well-read enough that one of her heroes reaches out to discuss her work (and sexually harass her), the college is tiny, the hiring "committee" clicked with her. Seemed very plausible to me.

    Eh. To me it highlighted the depths of post-partum depression in the immediate weeks following birth. Like, Hannah couldn't fathom doing it by herself for an entire day.
    I also don't think the episode was showing how their friendship would be ruined - as Hannah's mom said, this time is a "blip" - once it passed I