
Disagreed wholeheartedly on Wind River. Sheridan might not be a legendary director yet, but this isn't his debut (see Vile (2011) so let's stop reporting that it is.

Ah, the "Fewer." line was such a great callback to Season 2.

Sorry if someone already pointed this out to the reviewer - but, the shot that focused on the "young women" at Winterfell was a shot of Ramsay's sexy-time friend Myranda being ticked at this proposal.

Yeah, since it's on NBC. I was just using it as a standout example of a show that has a story in mind and isn't just trying to top itself with shocks. And if it were, it's not telling the audience each time.

This why I just can't stand network shows like Grey's. It really is death for shock's sake. It's gotten that way with Arrow, too, sadly. With stingers and show runners advertising episodes with "Someone will die! But who?" it's just so foolish to me. Let the story play out, if you even have one to tell. At least with

You could argue that Maseo is much more skilled than the two Roy was fighting.

I'm honestly baffled by how hated these movies have been. Nothing compares to LOTR but good lord. Critics like to pretend they know what goes into movie preparation and call these what you will, but there was no lack of passion or preparation in these films. Jackson simply got CGI happy, and that's a shame. I firmly

Oh, I wasnt. I enjoyed your review.

What happened to Erik?

The public praising and thanking the freaks warrants at least a B, right? C'mon, Erik. These grades be harsh.

Best episode of the season so far, but am I the only one who felt like calling Malcom Merlyn the devil makes him at least sound more dangerous than Ra's? I imagine that Hell's hierarchy goes Devil < Demon < Whatever else.

Not sure why so many people seem to be turned off this season. Twisty the Clown is fucking terrifying and I think everything looks positive this year.