
Pretty soon they're only going to be able to drink Yuengling and listen to Ted Nugent


Oh boy I hope they get Zach Snyder

"This is a very petty complaint, but Violet tying up her hair always looks less natural than it should." In the book, the very description of this gave chills. I think the show is trying (and failing) to replicate that feeling.

Hey now, I genuinely enjoyed the first episode and a half

"Anyone else think that Frequency was leading up for the big reveal of Frank walking into that 2016 engagement party?"

It WAS a good movie… Garfield: His Nine Lives

Hey now, the pilot for Covert Affairs was a free download for my Zune. (God I wish I was being sarcastic with any of that)

… I really hope this doesn't end with all our national parks being turned into Wal Marts

Yes definitely

"Hey, I have a great idea, let's turn Lister into Han Solo!" *shudders*

It's on Netflix (or at least it was last time I checked,) but don't get too excited. While it DOES have an ending, it's pretty clear they just got the plug pulled on them and wrapped it up in 5 minutes.

According to the Janitor on Scrubs, it's "Muh"

(he actually directed the pilot episode of wayward pines, a show the duffer brothers wrote for, and did a really stellar job)

I mean, it's CBS so we won't hear anything about this for 2 years and then it'll somehow be a crime procedural

When shows piss me off but I don't want to drop them, I've taken to upping the speed on my player. Every stupid thing that happens I make it a notch faster. I think I finished that found footage episode of doctor who in about 20 minutes

I was convinced that what was going to catch Frank was that Twister wasn't out on VHS yet

Wow lotta albums coming out called TBD

Smash Mouth doesn't seem to have a clue where they are, what they do, or how anything works. Which, to be fair, is TOTALLY WHAT 90 PERCENT OF THEIR SONGS ARE ABOUT