
Well I guess it would be nice. If I could touch someBODY

I haven't seen anything about lens flares yet

Only because ABC forced them too. The whole promotional campaign is going to go downhill now.

So the biggest problem you have with it is one that the books had already? I'm so sold.

Why did you only review the finale? Netflix dropped this show so randomly I don't even know what it is except "sci-fi" and "everyone hates the ending"

Taking original scripts and… reshooting… no. What? The originals still exist!

I genuinely can't tell if that's sarcasm or just something they did

Honestly, this is a good strategy. Turn their insults back around on them. Call them losers. Mock their safe spaces. Create wild conspiracy theories. Get down on their level because god knows being high and mighty isn't fucking helping

Oh I already did

I cracked up at one of the monsters in the alien base just being a Dalek. And Shaggy chewing out Matthew Lillard's Shaggy performance.

All you pretty much missed was "all of the famous lines from the wizard of oz but said in a dark and gritty way"

I think that's happening. I forget where I heard it but I think the idea at least has a studio

Don't worry, the christmas specials are always garbage anyway

I… I think that's what he's going for?

"He never went back to being a director or sole writer."

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's PROBABLY because this isn't clumsily grafted to a paint by numbers legal procedure?

The true crime of "The Muppets" was not the addition of adult humor but watching those anarchic characters clumsily squeezed into traditional sitcom A-B-C plotting

… So that nobody else could get it? This really isn't much of a mystery

Wait, so, hang on. Didn't they save nightengale victims before? Without them being dead in present 2016? Because that would mean the tree thing was something the writers just made up in this episode without any thought to what they'd already done. Or am I just mixing things up with the movie?

"A teenager makes friends at a Wizarding school while an evil rises" doesn't exactly sound like it inspires 7