
Running In Heels Woman, with the amazing power to beat an unfunny joke completely into the ground

Then you'll probably never be happy

I too have been watching black mirror this weekend

I stuck it out for the first 3 but nothing. Ever. Happens. It's all — ALL — just characters walking around in slow motion talking in a super pretentious dream dialogue ("Why don't you come back to my office?" "I don't look good under the fluorescents") wondering if they're dreaming or not. Potential to get good down

Oh like you didn't enjoy it too, your comment starts with the words "just came"

"I mean I get it but that was kind of dumb" - George Takei

Yeah, but her character was straight — it'd be bizarre for them to retcon that due to the actress's sexuality

I feel like Caitlyn Jenner only said that because she'd just drank a member berry

Laying down the odds now that — since they're now showing that the member berries definitely aren't malicious — the endgame of the season is that there's a time and a place for nostalgia. It's fine to enjoy star wars and feel like a kid for 2 hours but it's dangerous letting that kind of simplicity into our regular

oh yeah, i remember this was a theory in like march

So was the original? I mean, subtextually, but still.

You know what's going to be great? The joke about this in Deadpool 2

*Snort* yeah, ok, Quentin Tarantino's next project is going to be a sequel set in the X-Men universe.

Yeah, David Koepp has a pretty good track record. *checks wikipedia* Jurassic Park, Spider-Man, Mission: Impossible, the… little engine that could? That's a movie now?

I follow TV ratings a lot (it fills the same part of my brain where most people have sports statistics) and there's the same types of people there who gleefully declare every fluctuation in the ratings as "the beginning of the end" and get vindictively excited about possible cancellations. I just don't get it.

… he had a funny way of showing it…

Well that's disappointing. The first one's pretty great.

Sooooo attention is diverted away from Sense8's high price tag and they're able to do their full 5 season plan?

I felt bad for Peyton List having to try to figure out how to act that scene in any way that fit her character so far as opposed to what it really was which is "oh wait, this is episode 2, that can't happen yet."

"Despite providing early onscreen work for Dave Franco and Eliza Coupe, those seasons deserve their footnote status: The show’s main characters only appear a few times, and the episodes’ running-on-fumes nature is evident. Plus, they nullify what would have been one of the stronger of recent sitcom finales." That was