
I have no idea why people expect this show to be good… that said, I have no idea why it's lack of goodness makes people so ANGRY! It is, and always has been, a dumb show with occasional moments of greatness, perfect for watching with friends and alternating between yelling at the bad lines and getting shocked by

Yeah, actually, as a millennial I'm used to just rolling my eyes at these headlines but this one's true. The only reason I've ever had a big mac is because of their 2 for 5 deal, and that was only in the last year or so. They're… kind of not good? No better than a mcdouble/mcchicken combo and that costs like a dollar

NBC's got that one guy from Bent and About a Boy

Huge turn = the documentary ends and the actors find themselves haunted by the same spirits, having to team up with their real-life counterparts to thwart them? Without narration?

I'm honestly not sure if the debate part WAS written after the actual debates? It seemed kind of like they were doing their own thing, satire-wise, and had just updated the backgrounds so they matched reality.

How DARE timeless! Nobody has EVER done a show about trying to stop a villain from changing historical events before! That's not at all an incredibly common trope! And a GOVERNMENT team? brand new territory. Two men and a woman? That's not in the SLIGHTEST how the gender demographics of a 3 person team always break

John Oliver! THAT'LL convince Trump supporters to change their minds!

Don't be ridiculous, Perry, the man's a drink mogul

sponsored by Duracell!

Oh, this wasn't a preview show but was, in fact, the pilot? Great. Thanks. Cool. Networks, definitely keep calling your pilot episodes "special previews." Everyone LOVES It…

Skittles have no nutritional value and high amounts of corn syrup and artificial colors. In a way, aren't they ALL poison? /s

Potato + Scully = male. Don't they teach you anything in biology?

Dear society,
Please don't do this to every female-lead movie.
Everyone (and I'm a dude writing this)

Should we tell him?

And that… what? Makes this inferior? C'mon, different people have different processes

Episode 2 of Hotel was like 72 minutes long. I'm almost positive it was episodes 2 and 3 put together…

I grew up one town over from the real life Burkittsville and no, it's not an actual Maryland legend.

I've never felt more what it must have been like growing up in the 60's then when I caught a few minutes of a Dragnet rerun where Friday was extolling the virtues of fighting in the Vietnam War. I was born in the 90's but always listened to old radio shows when I was a kid so I'd sort of grown up with Dragnet although

I was born in the 90's so everything when I was a kid was plastic climbing structures and ball pits and I'd just assumed fast food playgrounds had always been that way. However, "McDonalds Land" looks a lot like the shopping mall playplaces of the time

Pumpkin Pie Blizzard tho