
I didn't read that as "All Star Smash Mouth." I'm a normal person.

The ironic thing is, it's that very ability to only go to things you're interested in that MAKES it such a "festering cesspool." You go to stuff about music festivals, I go to stuff about movies and TV, we mostly have positive experiences… but there's plenty of racist and sexist people who also use the website to have

Medium Close Up

yeah but if it was on streaming it might not be getting historically bad ratings and have a chance at a season 2

…holy shit

I wish they'd made BrainDead one of their All-Access series… it doesn't benefit from airing week to week and it's a bad fit for the main network (as it sounds like, with Star Trek and a Good Wife spinoff, all-access is aiming to be a home for more intellectual content than most CBS dramas)

This is emotional manipulation at it's cheapest and if I were to watch this movie I would be crying the entire time

oh look a pie graph

I… it… damn, ok, props to Kristen Stewart that's really not bad

I… it… damn, ok, props to Kristen Stewart that's really not bad

They've been quietly rebranding for the last couple years, but have trouble getting people to take them seriously because, well, they still make shitty TV movies. Eventually SOMETHING they do is going to break through and people will realize "holy shit, they've been excellent for years!"

Sorry — you said "reviewed," I read "renewed"

In cast? Yeah, that's not a price thing, that's an availability thing. Fox sat on season 1 for 2 years, any s1 characters who returned had to work it around whatever roles they have now

Huh. And here I thought I'd only enjoyed it because at the time I was really _____

Um, the 8th season of Scrubs is a way better ending and a significant improvement quality-wise over 6 and 7. It's written as the final season.

They honestly DON'T HAVE voices in my head. I read them in my own thinking voice.

Ugh, now we can't even get away from politics on an av club article about the Trolls movie? This is going to be a really long 5 months…

With ratings as bad as they are, I can only hope the writers are still working on the last couple of episodes so they can craft a proper conclusion… and that all 13 actually get to air!

The worst part is going to be hearing everyone complaining for years about how bad the end of the show was, only to have the last book come out just when it's quieting down and then have everyone complain about how bad the end of the book was.

I don't know what the problem is but that's always worth an upvote