
Yeah but that's only after everyone else at the restaurant came over to you and told you they were changing 60% of your soup to spit. (That's a bad metaphor but what I'm saying is it's not unwarranted.)

Prepare yourself. You're about to watch The Phantom Menace and not outright hate it.

Probably Harrison Ford

"You really don't need to reshoot when you're working with as cutting edge special effects as we are" - George Lucas, probably

Literally every Michelle Obama cameo:

Did you know if you stand in front of a car, people will think you own that car?

I don't think it's going to be renewed, at least not with the same cast/storyline. Every commercial I've seen for it has said "a 13 part murder mystery."

Man, I don't understand Burger King.

Only the tiring "it's not confirmed yet so let's pretend it's not happening and be shocked when it does" culture of the internet

Wild Wild West is the perfect get drunk and laugh at a dumb movie movie. I genuinely don't understand the vitriol.

Not a TV show, but I'd love a one-off movie, if just to see where that family ended up 10 years later.

I used to watch that show all the time! The only one I remember is one where one of the characters overwattered her plant and it grew so big it filled the whole puzzle place… but I guess I have it to thank for me not being racist? Cool!

You missed the part where back in the 90's they'd skirt the law by just slapping on a label that claimed a totally ordinary cartoon like Recess was educational ("in illuminating television" anyone?)

Shit, really? We're losing Caillou season 5? FUCK. What am I even PAYING for?!

"Also weird: the fact that the show has the same election set-up as in real life, but also a Democratic Senate majority. What now?"

His physical acting was fine in those movies, it's just every time he opened his mouth… If they want to cast him as fully-masked Darth Vader with James Earl Jones as the voice, it could actually work

That's the problem — the renewal didn't come until last fall. Hell, the show sat on Fox's shelf for 2 years, I don't think anyone involved saw this coming!

"I am really disappointed they killed Melissa Leo so quickly and I'm not sure I agree that this was done for the benefit of the plot either. I have a feeling the show would have kept Pam around if Leo was willing and able."

You're right. Don't want to get a Fat Lip