
That's cause it is… whatever the hell the munsters have to do with uma thurman is beyond me

A youth oriented soundtrack based on momentarily popular flavors of the week pop artists? But that's nothing like the original ghostbusters soundtracks! ಠ_ಠ

5harknado is such a slam dunk I'm going to be really disappointed if they don't go with it

Back to the future 2 is an odd choice for Lea Thompson, given how much she now looks like the "good 1985" version of herself

you have no idea how much of a relief it was to click on that and find a recommendation for a series with a female james-bond type character instead of a "thinkpiece" on how feminism is ruining movies or whatever

yes. source: Am kid these days

From what I've heard, Burton fought against the dancing, but Disney insisted…

It would be like this:

Carla pops up in one of the ads— the new Bland Hero goes "I have to get out of here!" And she gets this sad smile on her face as she says "good luck…" It's a cool moment.

I… highly doubt they're going for a "Bernie Sanders is evil" analogy…

Wait, that annoying Pandora from Sleepy Hollow was in Wayward Pines? Damn I'm bad at recognizing faces…

"Now watch me whip!" *WHIP* "Your name is To-Bay!"

YA is great! Sure, you end up aging out of a lot of it and spotting the patterns more easily, but there's still a lot that can be really creative. Now, dystopian YA with love triangles and a brave girl who has to choose to be independent instead of fitting in can go fuck itself.

What a lazy idea. Also— 13 and up?? At that age, you can DEFINITELY read the originals!

That was significantly better than the first one. I have faith it may actually resemble a ghostbusters movie, instead of with the last one which just looked like a parody

poorly because it's the wrong-ass genre to be a musical

The only reason I can think of is "limitless wasn't mindless trash like they thought it would be and they'd rather have more of that then something clever even if that something clever is still technically a procedural and gets decent ratings"

Jurassic World

we made cartoons weigh more. Societal progress somehow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah… I honestly hadn't considered the possibility that the Exorcist TV show isn't going to get cancelled after 1 season