I'll bet activated charcoal would work. Do we know what metabolite the drug test is looking for?
I'll bet activated charcoal would work. Do we know what metabolite the drug test is looking for?
the iTunes version gave the full reveal.
right. and remember she only had two hours to get it done so cutting open the diapers and doing it herself probably seemed like the fastest way especially after two people let her down. Also, it stands to reason that she had given her social circle shit in the past for smoking that the abuse she suffered when she…
was Jayde trying to liquor Van up before hitting her with the short ugly dude surprise "date"?
Agreed. Similar to the race-bending in the Beiber episode. I wonder if the white face surreal character for Van will somehow interact with Erne's surreal peanut butter character on the bus in the pilot. It is interesting to not only play with race but to also do it in a historical cliche context.
What do we know about Erne's background? He reminds me so much of the character in Michael Thomas' "Man Gone Down"
The loyalty card was punched in the boobs of the bikini. And Eleanor seemed to be wearing an extra tight sweater.
nope what?
So….the Washington Township plant is somehow controlled by the Dark Army/Whiterose/the Chinese government. When Angela wanted to whistleblow ECorp's toxicity studies she went to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NOT the EPA. Do we know anything about what the plant was involved in and why the NRC would be the…
yep and with a Tennessee accent.
a) wasn't the song the a lower volume extension of the Kenny Rogers song from the credits. b) wasn't the question about time a reference to Whiterose? c) wasn't Leon's knife skills actually in a hallway or something in the prison?
The actress who plays Joanna's American accent sounds slightly south of the Mason-Dixon.
yay Kenny Rogers!
right. and then Darlene takes a step toward the camera and peers in.
unfair closure maybe but it looks like she is the ultimate mastermind! that sort of does the character justice. Angela vs. Price would be a fun Season 3
So are we to assume that the loose ends of Trenton and Mobley are being "tied up" by the Dark Army? Or maybe this is the start of a spin-off where Mobley, Trenton, and Leon act out Seinfeld episodes?
Fun to see an un-hijabed Trenton.
What role did Lloyd play in the hack? He probably talked himself up because he thought he had a chance with Dom.
I really liked the light in the room through the yellowed newspapers on the windows. Also the shot from the sky, across the building to Elliot and Terell walking into their lair was well-done.
There really needs to be more said about the mega-power female acting in this show. Both Darlene and Joanna acted the hell out of some really fun dialog.