
I was reminded by it by the weird wall paper to the right of White Rose's mirror.

and sometimes he's wearing a sporting sweater about his shoulders.

a bit less of an ego buster than "are you still inside me?"

I thought it was based on quotas. Like each show has an allocation of six fucks and one cunt equals three fucks.

The chess scene under the trees reminds me I think of a Kurosawa film, but can't remember which one….or a classic Shaw Brothers wu shu?

"…make amends with those who have unfairly wronged" hugs fat security guard from Steel Mountain.

In the dream sequence I was happy that Lloyd somehow scored a tall blond girlfriend.

Does Mr Robot dream of electric sheep?

"Back in the Age of Enlightenment, motherfuckers used chess as a means of self-improvement cause there wasn't no Tony Robbins DVDs back then"

When Darlene was on the subway at the beginning what was up with the the two people in gas masks, the woman in the VR googles and the guy in the surgical mask?

Yeah the whole opening scene was shot like Hitchcock/Treehouse of Horror

I agree. the humour was a bit broad.

Wasn't there a clue about next season——a burgeoning birther movement against Melendez possibly led by Selena.


Regarding the length, I wonder if the episode couldn't have been tightened up with some editing. Some of the dialogue seemed a bit wordy. Perhaps that's a problem with the creator writing and directing all the episodes.

I agree, Rubicon was really good in parts.

I thought the opening sequence was brilliant. However did anyone else think that the music and the wordy monologue felt like Tarantino?

I'm picking many parallels to Paradise Lost. ("the fall" etc) Or am I reading too much between the lines?

yep. thank you. I was being ironic.

and shows man-butt