
How much do you think Coke paid for that product placement? I wonder if they are thinking of renegotiating.

and it is a reliable contraceptive

Why not put bubble wrap ON TOP of the bioweapon (not just under it) when you put it in the tin container? If the suspenders and belt philosophy apply to anything I'd think it would be this.

Paul's BD makes it ok.

Alison was playing the Judas Iscariot part, right?

Do you really think Duko is gone? If he isn't a clone how did he heal so fast after Art's beatdown? My money is on that he is a clone. If they called a set of male clones Castor there has to be a Pollux (especially with all this Leda/swan stuff this season)

but it turns out he's only poking around in the laundry room to hide his crusty sock.

one look at Henry's hairy knuckles and they head right to the FBI office.

I enjoyed how all the work the show has done to give Paige background is now paying off.

Were Philip and Henry playing Defender?

The guitarist licking the V of her guitar during the bar top cunninglingus scene was a little much.

yes! let's see Rachel play Krystal!

one of the Dukos will get a head shot and then the very next scene we'll see him doing stuff. That will be how they'll reveal there is more than one. Not sure how they will reveal Dizzy's double penis though.

"…who had a split penis"

Was there a plot objective of having Dizzy give Sarah a pill? I understand why they had her snort some coke or something—she was out of control and there were obvious parallels to Beth, but the two pills seemed to either be significant or unnecessarily distracting.

Interesting that a Leda says "my god" when she sees a swan/Zeus. Because Ira shows up at that point does it mean that Ira and Rachel will get together? Is that extra weird because Castor was Leda's child?

Maybe there is more than one Duko?

and the fact that she killed a rapist while pregnant makes her even more badass!

Chronic masturbation makes you blind, gives you hair on your knuckles, and lets the Russians win.

William told them who the guys in charge was.