
I think Micheals "Good" Place is, inadvertently or not, actually a purgatory. All four of them became better people to some extent (Jason has some way to go yet) after being exposed to the trials and tribulations imposed by Micheal. And isn't that the purpose of purgatory? To purify those not quite ready for heaven.

Well, language is always gonna be defined by how we use it, however stupid that may be. See the word "literally".

Even if the actors has great chemistry, the two characters never worked together. It felt awkward and weird the whole time they were together and I hope the writers don't go back on this breakup.

I believe she also does her own stunts and is/was a pro stuntman. While she doesn't do that much action stuff she does do a lot of good acting in The Machine, it is worth checking out.

Actually you can play it between 12 and 24 times, each game is a month in the year, if you fail you get to try the same month again. It is dynamic way for the game to adjust the difficulty, you get a access to a larger amount of helpful cards (that also give you more turns to succeed) and make 2 positive changes to

This is why we have stuff like Jessica Jones, tv (or streaming I should say) is a really good fit for these more intimate story, where the character development really gets to breathe.

Wasn't he known for slinging child porn way before Subway got involved in his life?

Heh, Paradise Hotel is still going strong in Denmark, it has spawned a bunch of (briefly) famous reality-"stars".

Well the thing with Ghostbusters, it was lightning in a bottle. They got a bunch of comedians together at just the right time. Maybe they can do it again, Melissa McCarthy and Kristian Wiig are very good (I have never heard of the two others), but with the original you had a bunch of comics at the top of their game

"A lot of them rely on the appeal of combining a bunch of YouTube stars in one project"

It must be those darn "Star Fuckers" that are after Randy Quaid too

The Finals Girls? So they have to study really hard?


And once again i cannot help but give a juvenile snicker when I see Robert Knepper's name in a headline. In danish "knepper" means "Fucker" or "Fucking".

What, that too?! Well now I gotta go back and see them

ah man I always forget to watch the post credit scenes

I watched the first season because there a couple of minor internet celebrities on and it was fun to see how different the show made them look and it was also interesting to hear their behind the camera stories afterwards. Did the later seasons have anyone interesting or known for other things?

This has been in development hell for so long, but I hope it succeeds this time. The big hurdle will be the casting of Artemis, they probably have to make him a bit older to find an actor that can do him justice.

No thanks

I switched out most of my curse words with "Fisso" and "Pishans" from the danish aburdist comedy show "Casper og Mandrilaftalen".
They sound vaguely dirty in danish, but aren't really, so people are always a little taken aback when I utter a "FISSO!" after failing a t something.
Here is sample with Casper explaining how