Grand Poobah

Then there was the muted look of horror on Chuck's face when he first mentioned his expectation of getting hired by HHM.

It's cheese with olives embedded in it. You probably wouldn't want to taste it. It's decidedly a niche food here in the U.S. Hence the bit where someone asks "Pimento?" and Mike explains it as "the caviar of the South."

I'm leaning towards thinking that the University of American Samoa is less like the University of Phoenix and more like a diploma mill.

My main problem with the books was that the Westerlands seem to completely lack any lions. I'm curious if the lions on their banners represent creatures from Essos, Sothros or the Summer Isles that some Lannister from ages past saw in a Targaryen royal menagerie a hundred or two years back. As with Richard the

The maesters would tell you otherwise.