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    Correct me if I'm wrong—but in Season 1, whenever *any* character mentioned E-Corp (whether Elliott was present or not), we the audience heard "Evil-Corp," correct? As though we were sharing in Elliott's learned hallucination.

    I'm pretty neutral on For Whom the Bell Tolls, but it contains the worst/funniest sex scene of the entire Western canon:

    And yes, before you ask, I have seen Leone's original version, also known as the "Now with 65% more bullshit!" cut.

    Once Upon a Time in America. Everything about it. From the robbery/rape scene that portrayed the grateful victim as "begging for it," to James Woods', well, "wooden" acting, to every fucking OMG HOW DEEP establishing shot (I can take pretty pictures too!), to the idiotic fucking name of the movie. How I despise this

    Er, yes. Thank you.

    I have to say, between her outburst at Stan and laying into Paige, I think it's possible Elizabeth took EST's lessons of "authentic living" a little *too* much to heart.

    What… the… fuck… was Thorgy going for in that attack ad? My wife thinks she was trying for "New England matriarch realness" or something, but she sounded like Edward G. Robinson. I fully expected her to end with the tagline "YEAH, SEE!"

    Wow, before I watched this show, I'd always heard people talk about the absolute misogynistic bile some fans reserved for Joan. And there it is.

    "Peggy is perhaps the person in his life that Don can most completely be himself with"

    There was a moment - just a moment - when I thought the very last line of the season would be delivered by Bobby Draper, as Don and the kids looked up at the old brothel, a small black child sitting on the steps. "Are we negroes?"