
LOVE this show!! I'm beyond stoked, every time I get to discuss this masterpiece!! Nothing like it before, or probably in the future!
What a treat…… to be able to be in the company of those who recognize how wonderful this show really is!!!


I totally agree!

Me too!

Reese is rubbing off on her.

Alice would like Root, …..,, as long as she doesn't mess with Luther! LOL

LOL! She used to be a hit woman! Stone-cold killer.

But Elias knew that John wouldn't let the baby die, because he knew John's moral code.

I don't think HR wanted to kill Carter, yet, because it would look too suspicious, especially coming on the heels of Cal's death!

I agree! When I saw this episode for the first time, I wasn't impressed. And I wondered who this interloper was! Boy, that was prejudicial on my part. Shaw was a fantastic addition to Team Machine!


Maybe he can be a guest on Empire! LOL

All seasons:A

I feel you!!! Believe me!! Maybe not for the same reasons, but…..

Netflix baby, Netflix!! You'll be surprised, from pilot to the end, how much was going on in this great series!! Such an intelligent piece of art!!

Gosh, I wish he'd killed Quinn!

Carter's son Taylor could be in the next generation, with the girl from the Razgover episode, among others. Maybe Caleb could be the new Finch.

And Fusco!:)

The biggest difference between POI's procedurals and the other shows you mentioned, are the backstories, which helps the viewers understand how Finch, Reese, and other people relevant to the series, came to be! These flashbacks served a purpose, especially in the early seasons of the show.

I watched the show from the day of it's premiere. I was gonna watch anything that had Caviziel, and Henson in it! I never watched TV shows presented in real time. HATE commercials! I recorded them on DVR. And I LOVE ❤️ this show! From the pilot to the last episode!! I didn't know who Amy Acker was, until POI. I'd seen