
I think its highly likely that the next episode features Mabel/Stans adventures occurring at the same time as this episode. The sneeze thing just screams "simultaneous." Then episode three is rallying the wheel (finding McGucket Pacifica and rescuing Ford, Robbie, Gideon, as well as getting Stan's copy of journal

Everything in the series points to some climactic event in 1982
-calender in Carpet Diem stays on July 4th, 1982
-Mckgucken can only remember things from 1982 and after
- The shapeshifter says the author "hasnt been himself in thirty years"
-33 years is a possible age for Dipper and Mabel's parents

it was entirley figured out before the last episode, but now it reverts to incomplete. we new stan had a brother (the glasses) and thought the author was the journal. since they are the same person, something signifigant will still have to happen to reconnect somebody to the journals

what show

it cant be a coincidence that the calender Stanley's room (from carped diem where Stanford find Stanley's glasses) is open to 1982…the same year that old man mgucken regains his memory (anything before 1982 is erased). im guessing something major happened in 1982, possibly involving the machine and bill (bill has