Anna Sun

That makes a lot of sense, because I'd be baffled if you all were fans of a show of that quality.

It's really a matter of opinion whether Dr. Jacoby's statement is correct. I don't deny that TB's last two seasons sucked, especially this last one. And TVD is probably better in comparison to those seasons, but he said that its best season is "way, way better than anything TB ever produced," and that is a statement I

Like I said below, I know someone who watched it and thought it was too cliché. I don't think she even finished the first season, and she came into it with no judgement and just genuinely wanted to check the show out (unlike myself, who knew it wasn't my cup of tea from the start). I watched a couple of episodes with

I wouldn't be caught dead watching TVD, so I wouldn't know. But I highly doubt your last statement is correct, considering the fact that TVD, when it first came out, was just another gimmicky teen show created to capitalize on the success of Twilight. Perhaps it's grown into something more now, but I personally could

I never thought I'd witness anyone implying that The Vampire Diaries was better than True Blood.

I agree that Jason's reaction to Hoyt's girlfriend didn't make sense with what we've come to know of him up to this point. Also, Arlene's bigotry contradicts other aspects of her character as well. Do the writers really expect us to believe someone as loving and wise as her would care whether a potential lover was a

Wow, I know this is old, but I never dreamed anyone would give this movie a D+. There are a lot of bad movies out there, but this is not even close to being one of them. Not to criticize the critic, but this review makes me question his qualifications for the job. (I put that as nicely I could, I'm really not trying

Wow, what bullsh*t.

I get your point. Taking those things into consideration, I would personally grade it no higher than a "C."

I think the "F" rating was spot on because this was a season finale as well as the series finale, so the standards are higher than normal. The same would be true for a season premiere.

My Picks:

This episode was a dud, but "Roads to Vegas" was, in my opinion, one of the best episodes of last session. But I do agree that the last two seasons have sucked.

Oh, yeah.

There was also that time one of the dancers came down and told Peter she was pregnant. But when was the other time it happened this season?

How is The Cleveland Show better than Family Guy? To me, it was just as bad as current FG minus the characters that we've grown to love (Stewie, Brian, etc.).

I can't say that The Love Below is a better album than Aquemini or ATLiens because I have not listened to the latter two at length, but it's my personal favorite and I don't understand all the hate it's getting here. It may be due to the fact that I'm too young to remember those albums, so that's not my first

I don't think any of Outkast's albums are overrated, but I suppose if you had to choose one as most overrated, The Love Below would be it. That being said, it's a great album and deserves every bit of popularity and success it's received.

Ice cold!

I was not impressed much by this episode. And considering how big a fan I am of this show, that's saying a lot. I did particularly enjoy the part when Peter had a book for every show they wanted to watch. But overall, this episode was not very good. It's mainly because of the plot.

Yeah, that was season 9.