
Well I'm sure the movie will also be true to the books.

Family Guy fans

This may end up being not be the worst movie based on a video game.

They can still make their movie but instead they have to say, "to head to and arrive at a location where no person has previously heretofore occupied"

I can't make jokes about rape or abortion!? My walls are closing in!

"Lewis never smiles, and the only time he laughs is to do a brief, sarcastic impression of the interviewer."
So he basically mocks the interviewer?

You could have said that without having read this article or it's headline.

Hey! These comments are a safe space.

Hey at least it's not getting reshoots.

I can already smell farts thanks to my IBS

Jared Leto's performance will make you forget that anyone else ever played the Joker.

Nothing says "attitude" like "Spirit in the Sky"

Should I see the first Avatar movie?

DC probably thought we'd spend a bigger chunk of our summer thinking about Batman v Superman.

Surprise ruined!

Christine Taylor didn't have a nothing role. She pulls of those exasperated looks really well.


For $300 Rob Schneider will show up at your house and yell it while you watch this movie on Netflix.

My vote is still for "Name of Vessel"

“negative option billing,” isn't that just what Netflix and almost every other subscription service uses?