
I, also, loved the idea of the ISS. It is up there, we can see it with our telescopes, but… that doesn't mean it has people in it. I know that sounds stupid. There is a lot of information about how the live videos from the ISS are all obvious fakes, fake lighting, green screens, use of zero gravity planes, and how

This is the question we really need to be asking. If it is true, who is benefiting from this deception? I have seen documentaries about how the 1% love war, because they will both build the machines that destroy the countries, then build the machines that rebuild them, making exorbitant amounts of money in the

In order to truly be open to the idea that the earth is flat, you have to completely open your mind and undo the programming that has been taught to you since you were a child. You have to understand how the flat earth model works, and look at things like perspective and magnetism as being real, while understanding