Calvin's Cardboard Box

In the movie, she was the class valedictorian and on the fast track to med school.
In the real world, she wrote a "Letter of Truth" that took her over a month and that she claimed made her feel like she was going to school at Harvard. It was a paragraph long and used "y'all" over a dozen times to tell us we weren't

Her conservancy agreement is a matter of public record - her father is her permanent legal caretaker both financially and personally. She is legally considered not capable of feeding or dressing herself. Her father manages every aspect of her life.

She was pretty hot in "Mars Attacks" when they put a dog head on top of her body.

Do you think they were upset at not being daddy's favorite, or just relieved that he didn't have them nailed to a stick?

Dick Handler was actually Chelsea's nickname in high school. True story!

Wait, this is a real movie? I thought it was a parody based on that Simpsons episode where they write a Troll Academy YA novel, and the suits make it into Vampire Academy because it will sell better?

You just need to remember to pull the cord and ring the bell so the bus slows down before you open fire.

Poor Britney had to slave away until she was almost 16 before she became famous overnight!

I'm not being sar-cas-tic! This is a speech impediment!
I'm so lonely…..

And the song was also a perfect fit for the title sequence, with a taxi always driving across a bridge, but never arriving at the other side.

Getting to first base with her would be sort of like feeling up the special ed kid in the hallway.

My only problem with that sentence is its use of "treats", "sexy" and "fans".

How do you think he got backstage at the Chicago concert?

All questions have to be cleared in advance for all TV or print interviews, so that the handler has time to prepare and coach her answer.

They asked her for a fiscal stimulus and she started humping Obama's leg.