Not Yet Released

So is this the fourth obituary newswire in a row then?

Ivory Tower


Goddammit modern family


Perfection, thy name is Friday Night Lights.

Not enough lizards



Good god, Harry's question about offensive hands was wonderful

I was sort of terrified when I saw this article, because usually whenever websites start publishing Community best of articles, it means something bad happened to the show, like when Harmon was fired, or it was put on hiatus.

That's true. I notice a lot of the classic reviews are often graded much higher than an equivalent episode reviewed by the same author.

Season 3 was better than season 1. Community took quite a while to find itself as a show, and as a result, it was pretty inconsistent, giving us some pretty weak episodes (advanced criminal law comes to mind). Granted, the second half was quite excellent, but it still falls behing three and two in my opinion. My

Season 5 deserves at least an A-