Statler & Waldorf

Then why are you still watching?

This is a good play, Virgil knows Kevin will never take the poison unless there's an obvious direct solution. Virgil knows Kevin won't bite for "Hey lemme kill you, blow my own brains out. Then lil'Mikey's gonna bury you in the dirt for three days and you'll be right as rain."

That's the catch, be like LOST but we get to keep Kevin Garvey. Be The Leftovers and we never see Kevin again.


Kevin is going to get fingered as the culprit, no doubt. I'm also going to guess that the girls reappear at a time when it keeps John from murderous revenge.

They definitely made it up, but that wouldn't explain why he fled and she's upset about it. My guess is they made it up but it started having a REAL effect and they are split about it. Laurie concludes it's their way of dealing while Tommy is beginning to believe it's a real gift or that he's really taking away their