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    Years ago I flirted with libertarianism as a personal ideology for awhile before swinging back to being liberal / progressive. Even then I could never get into Ayn Rand whatsoever, in fact it was a huge turn-off. It's more fascism territory. Anthem, her first book, is ok: I had to read it high school and it's just

    I remember a family friend, a moderate conservative, asking me what Ayn Rand was known for and I said "some ideology called Objectivism" and he was like "Objecting-ism? Like you go around and object to everything?" and then he began pointing at random things and saying 'I object!'" Which interestingly enough is

    I watched this episode not long after reading about a band (Whirr) being dropped for undeniably insensitive comments towards another band (G.L.O.S.S) on twitter. http://www.stereogum.com/18…

    I'm really enjoying Matt and Trey's sociopolitical commentary lately, they've really matured and progressed their perspective as the years have gone by and I can relate it to my own personal views. No more cop out endings where they do the "well there a two sides to the issue" speech. No more excessively snarky,

    Yeah I noted that in another response. I got the impression that Matt and Trey were implying that social justice warriors like PC Principal will make a fuss over anything negative, even if that negative opinion is already a contrarian minority one that isn't worth highlighting, let alone addressing.

    There was a subtle thing about the plus sized models being included: PC Principal said "because a few people said negative things about them" implying the plus sized models had far fewer negative comments than the others mentioned in the episode. I take this as highlighting the fact that social justice warriors are

    I can only assume Melissa might turn back to Carol and Tandy, there seems to be a theme of Todd becoming another version of Phil - a emotionless and cruel person underneath the surface. In hating Tandy they all seem to ironically be more selfish and manipulative than ever for the sake of maintaining a "tribe" whereas

    Phil 2 is the most frightening, outright disturbing. Todd is up to something and seems to shifted from his friendly and warm persona to something more sinister. Gail and Erica just seem to hate Tandy for the sake of hating him, and I get the impression they are jealous of Carol's fondness for Tandy, whereas they both

    I find Melissa a little less sadistic than the others, Erica and Gail and Phil seem to hate Tandy more than the her, and for less reason. She does have a more complicated history with Phil than all others, save Carol, after all. The fact that she seems distant from Todd is meaningful - after all Gail and Erica both

    Oh ok, I've wondered about that.

    While he's been a weak character for many seasons now it was nice seeing him in a more prominent role than Teddy for once, that bit where he threw his back was hilarious.

    It says a lot about Phil that he didn't have any moral issue looting national treasures as decor for his house, but is sincerely upset when they are damaged and destroyed in the fire. He's a good person but his priorities are always screwed up.

    Still waiting for Marge's transformation into an actual robot over multiple episodes.

    I wondered about that for years. They both did promos in England for Nick UK in 2000 and they literally visited the live sets and interviewed separately. It was odd. Maybe it was scheduling issues but it def made me wonder.

    Oh yeah…I found this in college on a p2p network. I remember laughing as I heard him yelling about fucking in the ass and lamenting his cock. It was as if a drunken Morrison was impersonating himself.

    Cruz reminds me of SNL character Tim Calhoun, except the latter is harmless and endearing (and fictional)

    National Audio is great, and the biggest factory by far, but there are other tape manufacturers, the most notable being duplication.ca in Canada. I've used both myself.

    The appeal for me and many others has always been the quirkiness of them. Before the "renaissance" which includes needless releases (Why people didn't make their own Galaxy of The Guardians tapes for fun is beyond me) and bands that are exploiting the novelty value, cassettes have always been an underground format.

    Maybe they keep moving within the same school district. :/

    As well as the voice shift, I feel like an era of jerkass Bart has replaced the era of jerkass Homer. He's easily my least fav of the family now.