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    I've been under the impression from older Austinites that Timbuk 3 was the "big breakout" band from the city back in the 80s. Same with Fastball in the 90s, so much so that when my friend went to U.T. in 2004 a professor was bragging about how those guys were in his class. Neither band is really talked about much now

    I was just thinking that. My dad used to sing both of these songs a lot when I was a kid randomly.

    I think kids naturally dance that way.

    'Or that little guy on the "Don't Walk" sign.'

    "Hey! Knock it off!"

    Awhile back I listened to the "Highwayman" and Cash's line stuck out. It sounds as if the Space Coyote sung it.

    I was a military brat and I can attest to the same. People didn't religion as a big deal either. The only distinction factor was whether your parents were enlisted or officers or civilians, and that wasn't a big deal really. I really didn't keep in touch with most of the kids I grew up with (most of them would move

    That might explain why she wasn't performing. It was reported today but he passed away last week. I imagine they were close, he was a longtime collaborator.

    First part: post-vaporwave. Second part: Disintegration loops, part VIII.

    Upbeat hauntology lite. I get the appeal, it's not as interesting as Ghost Box Music or a project like The Caretaker, but it's certainly not as gloomy.

    This is all silly.

    "Here are the mathematically determined, PITCHFORK CURATED, "most hipster" bands around."

    Lawrence Arms is way, way shriller upon first listen than most of R.E.M.'s discography.

    I love Louise's more subtle moments: when she's the only one who laughs at Bob's jokes or in the camping episode where she perks up at the possibility of seeing bears. She's a bit psychotic but she's still just a kid.

    I always felt early Simpsons had this too. In fact, money problems are the core of their first episode, the Christmas special where they get Santa's Little Helper. That continued for quite a few seasons.

    Just to clear up any confusion, but Salvia Plath (Michael Collins) was forced to change his name from Run DMT. He had made music with that name in 2009, but was threatened with a lawsuit when a dubtep DJ duo from Austin claimed the same moniker. He managed to release a few more tapes under the name before he changed

    That DJ, who puts out dubstep, tried to sue the original artist with that name. Michael Collins changed it to Salvia Plath to move on and avoid legal trouble. Michael Collins, who puts out stuff on tape and is probably closer to chillwave/lo-fi, had that name over a year for the DJ started using it. It doesn't

    "Oh, and I guess that I just don't know
    Oh, and I guess that I just don't know

    The last half makes the list great. Locrian and Fall Out Boy!? I am checking out both immediately for opposite reasons. That's why I love lists: checking out things I missed out earlier. I could care less about seeing albums I already love from this year.

    Never a huge fan of Johnston but I do enjoy outsider music in general. The key is evaluating it as music and art beyond the gimmick and context.