David Souza

There's a part of the article that mentions Nolan should feel blessed around Harry Styles. Why is that the case? One got famous making music for teenage girls, The other is succeful movie director making engaging and also smart and conscious blockbusters. If I were to compare each of their levels of success to each

the discussion was over. I had facts not opinions and the wsj overextended by fabricating a story by using content that was out of context whether or not you believe it to be offensive isn't the topic. It was About taking content out of context to fabricate a story that painted him in a negative like. To that point

Also how do you know they were starving I don't remember them saying that in the video. How did you come to that conclusion?

So you don't know if they had a say. So how were the forced to do this in your hypothetical scenario across countries. Is pwediepie a master hacker? Did he have some dirt on them that they couldn't live down unless they decided to accept his fivver proposal? What is it that you think is up for debate here? Wow the

also BTW I'm sure that the kids had a say in what they were doing. Let's try to treat people as if they can make their own decisions shall we? It's not like anyone was forced to do anything. Right? It's kind of condescending to treat them as if they didn't have a say in it at all.

Our conversation. Bye.

I don't think that was the point of my comment. The point of my comment was that context matters.

you're spending a lot of time and energy continuing a pointless conversation about something that's already been settled.
Do you need to get the last word in? Is that it? Seems kinda childish and petty. You wouldn't happen to be petty would you?

lol so what now whether or not I'm a fan is up for debate? What does that prove? Better yet what point would it even make if I was a fan. Seems like you're reaching. Also it doesn't take a fan to be upset when someone gets misrepresented. Being called a racist is a serious accusation and articles like these trivialize

Context matters. I wanted to make sure you had a more accurate set of facts now you do. I don't need to chill. I'm not even a fan. I did however make sure to watch it for myself.

I think you might be focusing on the wrong thing here buddy.

did you now? You sure because one of the videos in the WSJ example was taken from a video about how the media has misrepresented him as racist. I'm assuming if you watched the actual videos in context that you might have come across that. So either you're lying or your blind to manufactured outrage.

wow this article is cancer. Unfortunately, like every other news outlet using these incredible click bait titles, They have failed to include context. Context matters. It wasn't a half sincere apology to the Wall Street journal it was to the fans. He's been misrepresented and the original WSJ article took the clips

The pay off makes it worth the journey but the diAlogue could sometimes be a grind to listen to. No one talks like that.the characters are in my age group (college students) and yet in order to find common ground it resorted to using words people stopped using 3 years ago. I will no longer accept hella being used in

I think that we should be a bit more honest about life is strange. The diAlogue was not always great,in fact I cringed a lot. It didn't feel forced it felt like if my my mom had discovered the internet this morning and when I speak to her later because she won't know how to properly use "Lol" she'll pronounce it