
The tax authorities in every country need to take a long hard look not only at Scientology, but its many front-groups too (Narconon, Criminon, CCHR, Way to Happiness, and hordes of others) which have often slipped under the net and hide behind charitable status. But the IRS needs to take action most of all.

Interesting, but not strictly relevant. The exemption was conceded after years of pressure from Scientology, dating from well before the Clinton era; the cult used every legal and extra-legal trick it could to intimidate and suborn the IRS, including direct attacks on its officials. In the end, the IRS was wasting so

Go right ahead and say it, because it's all too true! Apart from all the front-groups the cult has set up, there's probably money-laundering at the bottom of the deal between the Co$ and Farrakhan's Nation of Islam; likewise the British branch of Scientology being registered in South Australia for official purposes.

A cogent review of an excellent book. Tony Ortega has produced a rarity: an intelligent thriller that's all true.