Robert K

I think that Donald Trump should start a new reality show starring Scott Baio and Rob Schneider called "The Biggest Moron." It would be interesting to see who would win.

I do wonder what prompted this. Now that his film career is effectively over, is Rob Schneider trying to suck up to Trump and get a job in the administration? Personally, I think he's angling for that ambassadorship to South Africa.

Trump just tweeted again about the show, As long as SNL annoys Donald Trump, it does serve a social good.

The actors should serve the story, not the other way around. There is an X factor in all this: how crucial is Leia in episode 9 and how large was the role as planned? I would rather they recast the part than undercut what happened in the previous movies by writing out the character precipitously or reducing the role

Maybe she could get you the full color Sunday box sets .

It's like Terminator 2. You can blow up 2016 and smash it into a thousand pieces. It will simply reassemble itself and continue it's relentless march until December 31st.

It's my understanding that the filming for the sequel to "The Force Awakens" has been completed, so there may be scenes between Luke and Leia in that one.

And just when I thought 2016 could get any worse.

I know Trump Tower is huge, but I find it hard to imagine that there's a building big enough to contain both Donald Trump's and Kanye West's egos.

Will Dylan's speech include mumblings and dropped g's?

I get the feeling that Alec Baldwin thought he was only going to have to do Trump until the election, but now he feels a moral obligation to keep playing the role as long as he knows he's getting under Donald Trump's thin skin.

I always refer to Seinfeld to explain why I don't watch reruns of Seinfeld. There was an episode where Jerry explains why he doesn't own books. He says something along the lines of, "What do you think, that Ahab and the whale will get along the next time you read 'Moby-Dick'?"

And the Hamilton curtain speech was also coherent.

I do have a few questions:

I'm not celebrating Christopher Columbus. I made this specific suggestion for several reasons. One, the government certainly does not want to add an additional holiday. Two, Columbus Day is the closest holiday before Election Day. Third, of all of the federal holidays Columbus Day is, in my opinion, the one that

Personally, I think they should cancel Columbus Day and make Election Day a holiday. After all, isn't that why Columbus sailed the ocean blue, to make the world safe for democracy?

I remember reading Dylan explaining his reaction when he won the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, "Well, we all know that they give those things out when you're old-when you're nothing, a has-been." (Dylan on Dylan page 417). A reason that he said he went along with it was that they lined up a number of notable

I haven't watched "Friends" since it was originally broadcast, but I vaguely recall them giving an explanation as to how they afforded the apartment, though it's been so many years I could be wrong. Wasn't the apartment in the name of Ross and Monica's grandmother and rent-controlled?

I imagine Billy's cousin Jeb calling him and saying, "You couldn't have leaked this tape during the primaries?"

It sounds way too risky to me as she would have to rely on both Supergirl and Superman to be available to come to her rescue.