Robert K

Of course, not all Trump supporters are the same. Some may have the feelings that you described. I'm guessing that, for most of them, it's not that they're being displaced in the hierarchy, it's that their lives and their children's lives are no longer expanding, but contracting. It is an essential component of the

I heard a phrase on the show Person of Interest that makes me think of this election: extinction burst. Trump is speaking to the Angry White (Mainly) Male contingent that is seeing their way of life eroding away. To be fair, a number of them have reasons to be angry that the Democrats haven't fully addressed

Yeah, it reminds of when Bill Clinton was impeached, it was revealed that one of the persons pushing hardest for it, Representative Henry Hyde, had an extramarital affair, which Hyde described as a "youthful indiscretion." Hyde was forty-one at the time of the affair. I felt the same way about Hyde's justification

Does this mean "The Apprentice: the Uncensored Outtakes" will be coming out soon?

I always resented Cosby for foisting A Different World on us. It seemed to start a trend of putting a weaker show between two strong ones.

I feel sorry for the performers, directors, and writers who worked with Cosby who thought they were creating something of lasting value and now their work with him can never be viewed the same way again. Cosby didn't only flush his own legacy down the drain but that of his colleagues as well.

In case any other egotistical billionaire makes a similar request, Magneto only does mutant weddings.

Fun fact: There was a Trump magazine published in the fifties by Hugh Hefner. It was a humor magazine edited by Harvey Kurtzman, the creator of Mad. It ran two issues before being cancelled due to business difficulties. It is finally supposed to be reprinted next month by Dark Horse Comics. When I pre-ordered it,

In a 1968 concert, Phil Ochs dedicated a song to John Wayne. He said, "One of the dilemmas that America presents is that many of America's greatest, truly greatest artists are very right-wing and reactionary and not particularly intelligent. But they're still great, truly great in their own medium." I know Mr.

Since Fox News prides itself on being Fair and Balanced, shouldn't they replace Roger Ailes with Michael Moore to allow a different point of view equal time?

I haven't been so shocked since I found out there was gambling going on at Rick's.

I watched the last five episodes and I was so moved by the acting and the writing which was interrupted by brief bursts of anger when they would show commercials for the shows that CBS decided to keep on the air instead of PoI. I suppose we should be grateful that there was a finale at all.

One of the earliest examples of this is Will Eisner's the Spirit. I think Eisner did explore the tension between creator and creation more than most of the others. In "Self Portrait" (05/03/1942), we see Eisner at his drawing board complaining, "Here I am, a stooge to a crimefighter..he has the adventures and I work

My Taylor Swift Real Doll just left me and she's coming out with her first album, "You Don't Own Me."

One reason I wanted Bernie Sanders to win the election was that it would give Larry David steady work for the next four years, which would prevent this from happening.

Actually, I'm starting to wonder if the last episode was just a simulation.

And Fusco and his son are given new identities and he winds up as Sheriff of a sleepy southern town known as Mayberry. (No, that would be too cruel.)

You might be right. I was not aware of that. However, I tried to work out the possibilities based on the assumptions from my reading that the creative team knew this was the likely end of the series, but that they wanted to leave the door slightly ajar just in case. So, having Samaritan win would be too depressing

The last episode is reportedly titled "return 0". So this might be Finch's plan, but I could see Samaritan fighting back and in the ensuing struggle Samaritan is destroyed, but the Machine is damaged and has to rebuild itself.

I met Michael Emerson way back in 2000. I saw him in an Off-Broadway play ("Give Me your Answer, Do!") and there was a post-play discussion and he paid me a huge compliment. I came up with an interpretation of a character's motivation and he said, "That's interesting. I never thought of that."
Afterwards I went up