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    You know I couldn't agree more, but I felt insulted by Fear…

    Forget the Queen songs, it needed the Queen. That might have made it slightly interesting.

    The first episode was a lot like Shaun of the Dead, but without the atmosphere, suspense, action, comedy and fun of Shaun…

    Great point. In fact, everything Liv does is greatly influenced by The Brain of the Day.

    You mean on the part of the writers? Yeah, that could be, but in the context of the show, Clive seems a little beaten down. He's doing his job, but he's not gung-ho. I love him, though. When he was smelling Liv's food, I was gonna die if he picked up the fork. So many moments to love in this episode, no?

    I can't see it now, but I think I remember it. That would be the only plausible explanation for Major, but what bothers me most is that the video Major was watching on how to shoot clearly said, one to the heart, one to the head. I suppose Major couldn't deal with that prospect,

    So the window was open, Major knew the general direction in which he shot.. If he didn't hit the Candyman, bullets would be embedded somewhere.

    I understood your point, and I said we could both be right. It seems to me that your contrasting real people with those on a show is a distinction without a difference unless you see this as the comic book you alluded and I, not being familiar with such a triviality, see it for the adult drama it is. Were I to

    How is what you've said incompatible with what I said? Answer: it's not. I was talking about normal human reactions, and you're talking about maneuvering by the writers. You're comparing apples and road apples. Put more simply so you can "buy it," we can both be right.

    I think that might happen, but the thought has been put in his head and his perspective widened.

    I find that to be true of every episode, more or less.

    Oh, so you're the one…

    In fact, I see Clive as competent too… and nothing more. All this could be his wake-up call and he may show he's got a lot more on the ball.

    Peyton won't be in any more episodes this season, and so there's no reason to believe she'll be back at all. If not, it's most likely due to other commitments. After all, how could Ravi date he and then not utter a word about it? It only makes sense if she was the one who left, just as James had other commitments.

    Very well said until you got to the "stupid secrecy department.."

    That's what I keep saying. Most people are overlooking just how spectacular it might be when Major finds out. He may need multiple episodes for it all to sink in and work himself through it. Early on, I speculated that him finding out would be the season cliffhanger, But if they delay it through two more episodes now,

    Succinct! Brilliant! Man, this show is attracting smart viewers - maybe all of them that are out there.

    OH, THAT'S a nice possibility to consider!

    I agree that Liv should have told Major on Day 1… and then when he was assaulted in the park. But Liv, never having been a zombie before, is confused, scared, self-absorbed and selfish. The best thing about this will be seeing Major's reaction when he learns the truth.

    It's more than a function of the plot, it's how normal people react when they find themselves in unimaginable horrible situations that they have no clue how to solve. One wrong move and things could get worse… as we've seen, but there's no apparent right move. What's a true function of the plot is that Major is not