
White people be always worried about shit that actually matters in the politics.  Datz crazy yo.

One squirt doth not make you a squirter.

I find this odd being that the drink requires booze that is obsolete.  What did they really serve you?

So whos grandmother named this movie?

Eagles hate is so overrated.  All it is is some watered down version of the Gram Parsons hate from the 60's.

two memes in one….what have you done sir?

So is it hard to launch off of those aircraft carriers with curved decks?  Seems like it would stress the air frame.

I'd rather my ex have her own body.

I will alwats remember this as the movie that made me want to visit Vermont.

I totally was hoping this would turn into one of those 70's prison bitch movies.

I didnt much care for Kim Deal's biography.

Why is it everyone on Sorkins show has a super amazing and accomplished history but sucks at their current position?

Its a very inefficient and noneconomical way to spend your time in school.  Which is why we are all in trouble.

Disagree, if you remove the dialogue and tropy actions then its a great movie.

My mind is blowing up!

Sharknado:  Communities 2nd season and the Red Wedding Combined!

Don't underestimate the awesomeness of Taco Tuesday.

I predict this will be the next Freddy Got Fingered.

Why have you already seen this movie?

I didnt care for ACITW either and some of those descriptions are fit considering half of the monsters in the cubes are nothing more than video game screen grabs.  After hearing all the buzz my thoughts on the film was that it was something ultimately not as clever as it thought was.