

At times I felt like I was watching a sequel to "This is Spinal Tap".

Thats an awful lot of ego in one room.  If it had mass we would be in trouble

I wonder if this will work with Santigold?

Its always good to be concerned,  it keeps your mind moving.  Make sure they have a plan for the Produced Water to properly dispose of it,  if there is a contamination problem this is where it usually comes from.  Also know what QA was done on the completion engineering of the well.

Good comeback. You should have gone for brevity and just said, "Duh, Whatever"

Ill buy you a coke

BFD.  Sit there and rant all you all want.  But none of you will do anything.  Because you ultimately want cheap energy.  And you know that this film is mostly BS by some guy trying to make a name for himself.  So pretend to stand on the side of righteousness while taking your hour long shower and siting in 2 hour

Anyone from south Louisiana can tell you straight up that dead people always vote overwhelmingly Democratic.  This shows a farce.

Ann almost got ran over.  Oh well.  Lets all run across the town square without looking.

Is there going to be an investigation into who altered the time stamps?

Yes but it will feature current year Elizabeth Pena

Hey!  Thats enough.

The only regret is we never got to see the prop hat.


Do you use that same wierdass device you play music with or is it its own wierdass device?

What do you mean "You People"?

If you think Zork was the best Game ever,  continue reading and writing comments.If you had sex while in high school, close your computer and go out and hang with your friends who will be stopping by any moment now.

Sorry to hear its over.

Dammit, what did they say about spoilers!?