
I'd give it at B+; it's a tad disjointed, but I think "Have Mercy" is a standout track, especially as a finale. "Stay Vicious" is a decent song, but it doesn't fit with the rest of the album, IMO. Either way, solid effort. Worth the purchase.

If I were one of the supporting actors I'd be seriously, seriously pissed.

I can't hear this song without thinking of the trauma that was childhood bible school. Our nun-teacher-person played this song to some horrific movie of Jesus on the cross to end every freaking class. It was terrible.

I swear, question 121 when they showed the blurred out version was "In your opinion, was ____ a religious person?" Did anyone else catch that?
But either way, this was a fantastic episode. I was pretty frustrated with the show after last week, but this episode won me back. Too bad next week we're back to dogs and the

As soon as Sarah Newlin started hallucinating for no apparent reason, I almost turned it off. Then didn't. Then regretted that decision immediately upon the nasty vein sex.

A C- is a merciful grade. Nothing about this episode made sense or was fun to watch. That's a pretty low bar to miss, considering True Blood has existed purely on vampire/fae/warewolf sex and gratuitous corn-syrup violence for 7 years.

Can we somehow get Lafayette involved, too? Those three are the only reason I'm watching.

The Bill flashbacks are a total waste of film and utterly dreadful. Pam and Eric need a spinoff.