
Can you even image how much resource a full scale game would take? This is 16 GB of just HD space for 1900 sq miles of this map. It would make people need TB drives to be able to hold that. For a game, it is not worth it. Go away, you are drunk.

Critic, you must not have any intelligence. In an MMORPG, a couple of hours is NOTHING. Take EVEONLINE, that can take a few MONTHS to get a character to do level 4 missions without much problem. What about WOW? That could take hours for a raid and not even get a drop that you were looking for. I will not keep going,

The thing is, the AI will hit the train and not even try to stop for it. So it does not help either side, player or AI. It is funny because the AI will slam full speed into it though. And the AI actually try to not to hit you (most of the time) when you get close or turn toward them.

It is neither and a whole lot better than both.

My Xfinity works just fine. Speed is always good and only issue is quick drops that come back within 5 mins at the longest (usually seems to be a modem restart).

"Only after sinking several hours into winning races and upgrading your cars does driving come anywhere close to feeling reasonable."