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    You're thinking of Family Guy.

    It isn't, Kyle is often their mouthpiece, the joke is that any show as nasty as South Park would end with a message at all. I get the false equivalency arguments but that's often because Parker and Stone will lampoon the people on both sides, not the subjects themselves - if there's any theme the show keeps coming

    I watched the documentary "6 Days to Air" the other day and Parker's process fucking floored me. I always knew they did it in very little time but watching him go from having zero idea to having a completed episode in 6 days (with very little help - the entire writers room appears to exist for him to bounce his ideas

    There are way worse writers than Ayn Rand. It's pretty clear to me that they target that particular book because both her ideologies and her writing suck.

    How on earth is South Park notable for trying not to have any messages? It's entire thing for like 10 seasons was Kyle starting his speeches with "I've learnt something today". South Park is EXTREMELY preachy. Always has been.

    300 is also pretty hilarious in its own way.

    Man I can't WAIT to watch Ghost Rider interact with classic AoS character Daisy Whatserface.

    Yes and no. She's a sympathetic figure but she's also jealous and controlling because her son is the only constant in her life. The version of her in Norman's head is just one that's dialled up to 11.

    It's definitely not an odd association given the incestuous relationship the show's built between the 2. Almost all of Norman's victims on the show are a certain type that's directly related to his mother.

    It's good from half way through season 1, it just gets FUCKING GOOD in the third season.

    "You're willing to give up your life so she can go to HeaVeeeeen??"

    You'd expect anything involving Futurama to be a little more, y'know… funny?

    "The Power/Rangers fan filmmaker has been busy making the official Power Rangers movie that will star Bryan Cranston, as well as developing a satire about race relations."

    Can't deny much of what you've said and yet I love Preacher. It's like Ennis sick fucking id splashed across the page.

    From what I remember wasn't the reverend traveling from place to place performing exorcisms?

    I believe that's magnum.

    I feel like the headline/title combination is purposefully fucking with me.

    A lot of Descendents songs are written from a teenage point of view. I mean they were in their 30's and were still singing about what they'll be when they "Get Old". Personally I'm fine with it. I'm The One is catchy and relatable even if it's somewhat outdated.

    Maybe if he was the main character in Godzilla the movie wouldn't have sucked whenever the monsters weren't onscreen.

    My mother was absolutely in love with The X-Files' David Anchovy.