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    Really? They often present the people on both sides of the aisle as being stupid but as far as the issues themselves go, I've found that Parker and Stone generally take a pretty strong stance.

    Nah, Hello Ladies is no Office but it's funnier and capture the tone better than anything Gervais has done alone.

    He did, it's called Dere— Oh wait, you said funny.

    I thought The New Yorker was a parody of The New Yorker.

    It is, and an assload better than Cars. Also the big takeaway - that you *can't* always achieve your dreams - is a surprisingly intelligent one for a kids' movie.

    Sound like you have the making friends thing down. I've found it almost impossible to make new friends since leaving college.

    Oh god, I'm mid-30's and by my late 20's my social circle had practically evaporated. I've got maybe 2 remaining friends who live close by, the rest have either moved or faded gradually from my life.

    "The core is supposed to be Jesse’s newfound power."

    Going for the out-of-left-field stuff works well when the comedian (and lets be honest, its ALWAYS a comedian) expresses him or herself well. This one wasn't amusing at all, but Witmer Thomas hating on a Maroon 5 song because Adam Levine keeps singing "Animals-mals" was endlessly funny to me.

    I feel like most people who're on this feature don't even hate these songs at all. They just think for 2 minutes and then settle on a song they find mildly annoying.

    I clicked on that video expecting to hate it and make a crack about how the Australians aren't missing much but nope, that song's pretty good. Like a grungier Bats for Lashes.

    And it became a LOT more enjoyable once I stopped watching altogether.

    "No THOSE are the zombies, we're human beings. Jesus Rick, you need some sleep!"

    I don't really know why you think he wouldn't be but yes, Glenn is asian the comics.

    Every once in a while it improved just enough to convince people that it would be good forever, yet 2 weeks later it'd be back to its old tricks. Considering the fact that they've had 3 show runners now and none of them has managed to do anything with it, it's pretty obvious that the problem is Robert Kirkman.

    I was sort of into this season but once I heard what they had in store with the finale I said fuck it and stopped cold turkey. Didn't miss it one bit.

    Just checked on who was there. Rosita, Abraham or Eugene, In the comics it was Glenn, but if they really intended on doing something that big they would've shown it.

    I gave up early on this season, but it's easy. Who are the 2-3 least important people Negan could've killed? It's one of them.

    "Seriously Spielberg, you locked a handful of futurists in a room for a week and that's ALL they came up with?!"

    You know what, I'm willing to give them this one. It's pretty great.