Patrick Robert

I don't know. I just rewatched it and it's first Paula's idea to get revenge. And when Rebecca says he must be destroyed Paula says, "what did you have in mind?" In a way that is her at her most codependent. There's a definite possibility she's working her rage at her husband's affair vis a vis Rebecca but I think it

I loved this episode, especially Rebecca's solo song walking toward that cliff. My only question: is Paula back to unhealthy Rebecca obsession? This season she's been trying to grow, so what's made her devolve back? I'd love a better motivation. I much prefer her character to be Rebecca obsessed, so I'm happy about

Hey Myles, do you have any idea why the synopsis said "Kevin and vee get revenge on svetlana" and then that didn't happen

Why did my preview say "Kevin and Vee get their revenge on svetlana." When?