
You should write every single thought down. Let it roll!

You speak the truth. An I.Q. of 100 beats an I.Q. of 70, exponentially. I am still flummoxed, however, by the seeming lack of intelligence on the part of the judges who presided over both trials and a few motions and hearings. What up with that? Didn't they pass the bar exam?

Yes, Sunny, the series definitely gave a bad impression of law enforcement "professionals" in Wisconsin. The 2 judges were extremely unfriendly toward the defense. Add to that the FBI, and you have a witches brew from the depths of hell. I think I was the most enraged when "investigator" Kelly's Hitlarian statements

Steven had everything to live for. A 450,000 settlement. Freedom at last. A very pretty girlfriend who adored him. A business venture with his dad. I just don't see him risking that just to rape the victim. A rapist is a rapist and he just wasn't one. The cops' premise was based on the fact that they still considered

Yes! I wonder if he meant to say 3:45 and not 2:45. I think the police just ignored Blaine and Scott as potential suspects because they had made up their minds that Steven was the murderer. There are deeper undercurrents to the extended family of the Avery's that we are not made privvy to in the series. Scott was

Ah ha!! Very good point. I think they are making a natural assumption as to the reason for killing a lovely young woman, but the truth is that they have not one iota of proof of a rape.

I did that too. I started watching it at 11pm and stopped at 3am, realising that I would not sleep if I had not made a concerted effort. My dog woke me at 6am and I took him outside, fed him, and commenced to watching the program again until 12pm when I finally finished. I was addicted to the program, mostly by

The Innocence Project cannot afford to get reinvolved in Steven's newest case. If it looks as if the men exonerated in the Innocence Project are "reoffending", their mission will be tainted. It will affect many more people than Steven. For the greater good and all that jazz, which I can sympathise with. I do believe

I think Blaine did it. I am not sure of the timeline around Scott, Steven's brother in law, but perhaps he was involved. Both men were going hunting, had weapons and had passed/seen the victim.They could have intercepted her on the road, raped and murdered her, then burned the body after that. This is just speculation