am I the only one who got a kick out of Ralph in the Hunger game spoof and I thought the bald bully was in his 30
am I the only one who got a kick out of Ralph in the Hunger game spoof and I thought the bald bully was in his 30
the 9 year old koren kid mix up the colors
No we don't need another That's my bush also just because they can do comedy don't mean they can do drama
What's odd is she didn't take off her underware
I don't remember BB ever being good
Clooney is spike so he can't be the fat guy
I am 30 and I don't have any of that
I wouldn't be surprise if the berries play a bigger part towardsbthe end of this season also I am surprise the review did bring up the fact that Kyle and Like watch the mom pee on the dad
predictable jokes
you do know there is now much difference between CW and WB
how about WB
It can't be as bad as the Run DMC version
thank god I won't have to read your crappy riddles for two weeks
Let me guess it's going to be called Holy shit where still alive
and there was a scene of one of the robbers grabbing her breast
Ya but he did end up dating that on chick in big Adventure and he also dated another girl in Big Top
Ya no problem
Sorry for the Really late reply been busy but there was a Tales form the Darkside episode that did the same thing
Frisky Dingo was not the first show to do that