Tony Soprano

No!! Are you listening to me??!

Tom Cruise. Now there was an American. He did what he had to do. He faced down that backstabbing traitor Jon Voight when none of those other assholes at IMF would lift a finger to help him. And did he complain? Did he say, "I come from this poor Texas-Irish illiterate background or whatever, so leave me the fuck out

A wrong decision is better than indecision

Fuckin' Internet

Hell is for the worst people. The twisted and demented psychos who kill people for pleasure. The cannibals, the degenerate bastards that molest and torture little kids. That kill babies. The Hitlers. The Pol Pots. Those are the evil fucks that deserve to go to hell, and nobody else. That's my take on religion at least.

One thing about us wiseguys, the hustle never ends

whatever happened to gary cooper

Fucking Internet.

That's total crap. Those guys are probably in the waste management business. If you are, everybody immediately assumes you're mobbed up. It's a stereotype, and it's offensive. And you're the last person I would want to perpetuate it.