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    Huh? Peggy burst into tears because her life completely sucks right now. She has no man in her life, her creativity is stifled at work, and she's back to being treated like a secretary.

    No, Don said he was from Pennsylvania, which is where he was from his adolescence on. Roger made a comment something like "I always figured you were from somewhere in the midwest the way you drop your g's when you're drinking." Don's early life, on a farm, was I believe in Illinois.

    Were you not paying attention?? The tension was so thick between he and Peggy he didn't want to wait a second longer than he had to.

    All Pete and Bert knew was that Don had stolen somebody's identity. Even in their wildest imaginations I'm sure they never envisioned that Don/Dick was the child of a prostitute who died giving birth to him, was raised by his biological drunken abusive father and his equally abusive wife, then in his adolescence

    Yes she has forgiven him, the scene was to show that Roger's daughter is embracing the feel good psychology of the 60s in her own way.

    I was going to point out the same thing - obviously the "bemused" look on Don's face (and Don's assurance of being comfortable with the agent's non-sexual intentions) was completely lost (and misinterpreted) by the authors of this recap.