
I think Elroy actually brings more than Frankie does - I love Frankie a lot (best of all when she isn't with Jeff, possibly because they're quite similar), but I don't think she adds as much to the group as Elroy. She adds so much to the school, and therefore, some of the plots, and having an authority figure to

Abed infiltrating Club Club was one of the best things in this episode. Looking back on it, I think I found every scene to be gold except for Jeff/Frankie-only scenes.

Nawh, Elroy was Kilmer - if you watch the scene where he goes into the kitchen and Britta/Clooney talks to him over the comms, she calls him Kilmer.

Did anyone else have a sense of Frankie/Jeff being hardcore teased this episode? I didn't really realise how much I didn't want it to happen until this episode, tbh. Probably the only thing that interfered with unbridled enjoyment of this episode for me.

Guys, don't be rude, and especially not unfairly rude. We know he reads the comments - he replied to one above, even! - so this is just unfair.