
Grab the torches and pitchforks.

This is the best news I have heard all day.

Word yo.

The Francoian life and times of james franco.

Ali g isvda house.

Will there be festivities?

Though I am sure you got some sweet cyber arms out if it.

Now with more unexpected genitalia.

It does sound a bit tragic.

Wait aren't I suppose to ignore you?

I only know like one. I am probably screwed.

Thanks, I still need to watch Mother.

I should have kept a more mind. Bong Joon Ho, is not always in your face with what he is trying to say.

Thank you, I will have to keep that in mind.

It is good that The Hose Literally does not takes itself too literal. Or I would literally have to freak out.

How should I approach Memories of Murder? I had to stop when the police started teeing off on the mentally disabled suspect.

Literally dog.

"Charlie can't surf." That is all I have.

The great thing about The Host is that it literally satirizes all of the parties involved e.g. south korea and the US. To me that is what makes it so great.

Don't forget that Helena bonham carter will be with them.