
See, that's how I read it myself on my initial viewing. After reading through multiple reviews and forums about it I realized I was in the minority and started second guessing my conclusion. Glad to know I'm not as alone as I thought in seeing it that way.

That's a pretty fair assessment. A rather weak out so they could have their cake and eat it too. Definitely was not a film without its flaws, but enjoyable to me none-the-less.

I would definitely call it a flaw in the narrative their marketing campaign is trying to sell, but I personally didn't take it as a narrative flaw in the movie. I saw Ultron's personality as a direct result of being born on Stark's servers and the kinship as more sarcastic jabs between Ultron and Tony since everyone

That's the place I'm at myself. The Thanos I know and love/love to hate is the long con villain. He's a schemer who will take the path of least direct resistance unless it's his best option. It makes sense to me that he would be spamming the universe with multiple plans for obtaining the infinity stones. The constant

So right!

I will concede to that point entirely. Sadly, Marvel can't seem to stick the concept of "defined and dangerous" villains in their cinematic universe. Ultron ended up being little more than another set piece, though he was fun to listen to.

J.A.R.V.I.S. I believe was a much lower capacity A.I. in that his core and algorithm structures were less sophisticated than Ultron's. I took him fighting off Ultron on the interwebs as him being more suited at that process than Ultron was. If Ultron wasn't designed for hacking extreme cyber security initially that

Oh, I agree entirely. This is not the Ultron from the comics by any measure. His agency is generally the same but every other facet of his character is completely different due to the circumstances surrounding him. My only contention is with the "Tony created Ultron" motif surrounding the film, when that's really not

That's one theory I'm toying with, the mid-credits scene being a major factor. It could be misleading, though, as many people think he's simply refering to Loki and Ronin's previous failures. I would think the Mad Titan would have the foresight to make a backup plan like that, considering he was willing to gamble one

Upon rereading, I may be mistaken as a point of opinion as it's never stated outright.

I've tried staying out of this discussion but feel a big part of Ultron's creation is being misconstrued due to a red herring synopsis release prior to the movie. Sorry if this rehashes anyone else who has already gone over it but I have seen a slew of comments that seem to contradict or discount major points from the