
Not sure if he can. If I understood the scene correctly, Dinesh was the last person of the group to understand the significance of Hooli's acquisition of EndFrame. He may be just a step behind everyone else.

You have to have an income to write it off against. If he is just living off of his $20mm, then he may not have an income. No income = no deduction.

Only someone from Georgia would refuse to consider the possibility that it was written by a rival to any of these other Bulldogs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

Richard, et al., should convince BigHead to buy EndFrame. Richard, et al., can contribute their learning/adaptive software to buy into the business.

From Wikipedia: "He is frequently credited with a surprise attack known as the Haversack Ruse in October 1917: during the Sinai and Palestine Campaign of the First World War, according to his diary, he let a haversack containing false British battle plans fall into Ottoman military hands, thereby bringing about the

I thought I remembered a story about Billy Joe almost failing out of high school because he was spending all this time in punk clubs in LA, which made me like him. I LOVED Dookie, which came out while I was in high school. My big problem with American Idiot, apart from that fact that it was released years and years

Can confirm. I grew up at the base of the Cumberland Plateau, and the water that ran down from where you were smelled like the kind of people who quote Pauly Shore.

All the way down at the bottom of the page, in light colored font:

When he checked his cheat sheet before going with "Liking Ike," that's what I fell out.

I think that's right. IIRC, Travis is the dad, and I guess I never learned the teen's name b/c I assumed he would be dead ASAP.

Walking Dead? Bogus!

If I were these clowns, my plan would be to find somewhere to set anchor and not use fuel. Wait out the destruction. Then find a sailboat they can commander for making runs back and forth to shore. The fuel on that yacht is not going to last forever, but it makes a nice base of operations.

Since the show is set on the West Coast, they should have called it "Like, Totally Walking Dead"

Is Chris the teenager or the dad? They deserve each other, but I cannot remember which is which.

Before the episode, I told my wife that they'd find a way to screw it up, and if they did, I'd stop watching the show. Now I'm stuck. JDM looks like he will be a fine Negan, but I guess I'll have to see it on Netflix in a couple of years.

SPOILER ALERT. Probably not, but that's not the only shockingly awful thing Negan does to someone from Alexandria.

She explained why she was there. She wanted to (a) face her fears, and (b) do some kind of psychoanalysis/therapy on Daryl and Rosita. Not that these are good reasons, mind you…

A couple, I guess. I wasn't really talking about the comments as much as the reviews I have read.

Similar but simpler theory: Mr. McGill took a lot of shortcuts and didn't account for his business's cash very well. He probably didn't mind having a few pre-tax dollars either.